Saturday, December 08, 2012

stupidity reigns

the hypocrites rule, even if you miss out, you will dig your own grave in the end... elect another corporation... pray to another king... give into your fears and give up your rights and freedoms, it's easier when you are not responsible for your actions, when you are told what to do, when you don't have to think...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

because nobody cares enough

people pretend to care, but nobody really cares enough... the bullshit people claiming to emulate the jesus character are the worst as they bleed hypocrisy, condemning and killing and creating poverty and starvation and hatred while pretending they are righteous and holy... those emulating other supposedly good kind and loving savious are no better... they pretend goodness as they are killing their neighbors... they are worms feeding on the corpse of humanity...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

don't wanna be angry

but fuck this humanity hypocrisy and if you don't know what i mean, you just may be a moron and part of it, but before i say fuck you too, i'll give you the chance to explain... and in case you ever gave a fuck, whatever is not considered an explanation...

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

still are

nothing personal, but nobody really cares beyond their personal bubbles, their sphere of influence, their ability to perceive and understand and control... if you thought differently, you were wrong... still are...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

you miss out

lately this place has been visited, yeah, someone, maybe you, stopped by here and maybe you even read the words... maybe you even left a comment and i didn't notice... but nobody read this one and because of that, it continues... and you miss out...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

it's because

it's because so few people are not psychopaths (as if you could understand anything)... how can you know what you do not know... how can you open your mind to something you are too afraid to even imagine as a possibility?... imagine no possessions, can you?... can you imagine no countries?... can you imagine no religion?... pretty song, but you are too afraid to actually free yourself from your need for spiritual and jingoistic hate (no less possessiveness and greed) to even begin to understand the wisdom, no less actualize the words... you are the disease, the virus, the cancer killing yourself and trying to kill this planet... and if you were only a little more intelligent than an ape, you'd know the planet will survive and you will not... but you ignore and re-write history in your egocentric madness to quell your fears and believe you are some sort of hero... humans may be the stupidest sentient species in the universe, no wonder nobody else wants contact... good laugh, huh?...


Friday, July 27, 2012

blindness is relative

are you one of the fools who believe what you do not see is not there?... pathetic... you lived your entire life and you never knew what you missed...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

people are cruel

fear makes people cruel... even though it hurts them inside, they become numb to it and justify it by believing they must be cruel to survive... they must kill... they must hate... getting paid to be cruel is the norm... step on each other in the climb to the top... win at all costs... kindness is weakness... caring is weakness... the best liar wins... trust is weakness... be kind, caring, truthful, vulnerable, try it, you'll end up with nothing... show me proof otherwise if you can...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

the psycho path

most rational aware conscious people

do not get

nearly enough credit

for not


violent psychopaths...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

shit yeah

just for the record, all kidding aside (all shitting you aside too), if you followed every link in the previous entry then what the fuck?... why are you still here (or not here, depending on perspective)?...

my left tit thanks you.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

seriously now?

or seriously not, as in seriously, NOT! but fucking WHAT?!!?!! and really, now who takes any of this shit seriously, anyway... really?... no REALLY!! WHAT??!?!?!... it's all bullshit anyway, in case you were too stupid to realize the obvious... you can get fucking offended or shake your head pathetically with lame aspirsions boucing around between your ears (as if you had room for thinking at all) or you can get lost in mindless videos but the truth is (right, believe this) nothing is really as it seems, WHAT?!?!?... sappy pathetic fantasies as if you want to be with me or even ancient rhetoric, eros, saphos, pathos, ethos, or something like that... this?... WHAT?!?!?!... and in the end it all just may be relative opinions and complaints (or comments and complaints, depending on perspective)...

Friday, May 04, 2012

any day now

i just might catch up here (as if i was never gone as if that would be something new, screw) when i have a moment to barf up some seriously special vitriol about whatever sticks in my craw about whatever anytime because, you know, life in this world is full of shit (people produce more of it than anything else, especially in the west, cuz people eat so much more than they need to survive, which is just one of the problems with people), but for tonight i will just remind myself this place exists and so does this part of me... being nice, don't let it fool you too much... people do that, you know?...

Friday, April 06, 2012


you can pretend it's ok, but empathy sucks... the world is full of depressed suicidal sado-masochistic psychopaths and you want to feel the way they feel?... you must be one too... it's the brainwashing you get from birth that convinces you that being a martyr is a good thing, that dying for a cause is a good thing, that a life of self-less sacrifice is a good thing, but you hate actually doing it so much you become torn into a bi-polar depressed suicidal sado-masochistic psychopath... and you pretend not to know it...

happy fucking birthday...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

justice for none

ever wonder what it might be like to be the person who controls everything?... is there someone who does have that power or is that just a fantasy or conspiracy theory?... come on, can you use your mind at all?... ever wonder why people are so stupid to believe that if a small group of people, like rich bankers, for instance, controlled everything it must be either a far fetched conspiracy theory - or evil (for those who believe it), but if an invisible person who lives in the sky controls everything in this hellish world of torture and suffering, that guy to be worshipped and unconditionally trusted?...


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


i don't want any, compassion, maybe, but is there any compassion in this world that isn't self-serving bullshit?... i don't think so and if you can prove me wrong, maybe i will sympathize...

Friday, February 17, 2012

meaningless drivel

as opposed to meaningless complaints (what?... shameless self-promotion?... promoting what?... meaningless drivel?)... how the hell did you find yourself stumbling through this place, anyway?... were you searching for the word fuck or masochist or something?... some sort of warped self-loathing?... a death wish?... accidental word association (you poor fool)... look around, i'm sure you'll find something to offend you, asshole...

Friday, January 20, 2012

hate too though

when i want to vent vitriol, venom, or vexation, i come here... when i want to spew shit that bugs me, i might go elsewhere (like the futility of a blog called meaningless complaints, for instance)... but when i am feeling the reality of nobody caring enough or the fact that humans are suicidal individually and as a species and i just want to stop hoping people will change and tell them all to fuck off, here we are... what fucking vulnerability is this?...

ok, you want more, i can do vulnerable... especially personally, the fact is, i write something about myself and/or something creatively every day somewhere... i maintain a daily life blog... i write in more than a hundred other blogs and places for an equivalent number of reasons... and the fact is that the fact is, nobody cares enough to be there everywhere every time i write... fact is, only a few people care enough to check in every now and then... fact is, i feel like i waste my time trying to communicate with humans, trying to maintain hope someone will understand and share... fact is, i feel like an idiot for continuing to be here... hey, maybe i fit in now, with the idiots i mean... pathetic makes us the same, right?... how pathetic...
