Wednesday, February 27, 2008


that nobody really cares.


Anonymous said...

i read this post title as "poof", instead of "proof", which seems like a word that sorta fits too, no?

candoor said...

maybe... or maybe it's just magic :)

Anonymous said...

the anti-poof

candoor said...

the amazing now-you-see-it-now-you don't (and there it is again) disappearing blogger... you say goodbye, and i say hello... hello hello (and so it goes, say the Beatles)...

if opposites attract, i pity that which is attracted to sandpaper... as this blog may have the caustic quality of steel wool and chalk scraping along a freshly cleaned blackboard, cuz everybody should have a place to puke, spit, fart, belch, generally shit on everything and push everyone away...

cuz who gives a fuck is the ultimate rhetorical question every philosopher must ask before transcendence can begin...

and the illusion is the answer, whatever it is...

to each his/her/its own...


Anonymous said...

purging, puking, cleansing...get it out...more room for love :)

candoor said...


wow, that took a long time to come up...