Wednesday, March 01, 2017

The Blind See More Than You

Meanwhile, as the empire falls, you pretend you care about superficial crap, learned from your soap operas no doubt, and you obviously don't care about life or the human race. Self-destruction is what you are best at. Suicidal games are what you call fun. Consume your poisons and lies and destroy yourselves and everyone else because that is the human way. Too immature for your intelligence, so stupid are your choices. You fear, you hate, you condemn anything that doesn't agree with your fear-driven narrow views. Pitiful weakness pretending you are strong because you can buy or bully your way into control through shared delusions and pretenses. You find power and money amazing and follow blindly. Watch your soap operas. Don't look around, reality TV has become real. Your tiny minds suffer fools gladly.

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