Saturday, January 21, 2017

Madness Leads

What are you doing here? You must be a Republican. The white man's party. Still believing the south will rise again and maybe the only ones stupider than Democrats are you lot, following billionaires as if they care about you. You must love to be lied to because all around you, your lives prove you are being lied to. Trickle down delusions. Are you living better than your parents? You want to go back to the fifties but who can afford to have a one income family anymore? How can you believe in small government when your leaders want government to control people's life decisions. You're as bad as the other religious extremists and pretend you are oppressed when all you want to do is oppress others. Trying to control everything pretending you care about people when all you do is care about yourselves and money. Suicidal choices at every turn, just like the dinosaurs. Over-consuming for profit, short sighted planning, greed and fear control you and you want to control everyone else. Madness leads you around like Nero fiddling while the world burns down. Push the button already, get it over with, you don't deserve this planet.

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